Thursday, Sep 19, 2024

Taurean Prince’s Return Showed Why the Wolves Need Him

Photo by David Berding/Getty Images

The wing didn’t take long to prove his value after a 20-game absence.
Teams that can’t seem to find their identity, as the Minnesota Timberwolves have struggled to do all season, need to find any foothold they can. Perhaps the best thing for these kinds of squads is a player who can be relied upon to do the right thing over and over.

Taurean Prince is one of those players, but Minnesota hasn’t been able to rely on his services as he missed 20 games with a shoulder injury. But he was back Wednesday to face the Portland Trail Blazers, and he looked like he hadn’t missed a beat.

Prince’s impact came in the details of the game. He didn’t put up wild numbers (11 points, two rebounds) but he was decisive and correct on so many of his choices — choices that repeatedly gave the Wolves an edge and that many of Minnesota’s other players may have fumbled.

For example, he got a couple of buckets by using off-ball movement to set himself up to attack the basket. The Wolves’ recent six-game losing streak was marred by iso ball, but Prince is able to inject some kinetic energy when he’s in the game by navigating to open spaces and making quick decisions.

Look how he drives away from the direction he cut in. It’s a simple thing and by no means ensures an open look, but it sets the opponent up so Prince can get by him without a ball fake.

There’s a similar unembellished effectiveness in Prince’s willingness to fill the lane in transition. Anyone who was concerned about how Prince would look physically in his return had their mind set at ease with these hard pushes to the basket.

These kinds of straightforward decisions are why he can shoot five-of-six in his first game back after an extended absence.

Prince had his moments on defense, too, most notably with two charges drawn in the second half. The second of those came with the Wolves up seven and 2:17 to play, a moment that helped Minnesota take control down the stretch.

The anticipation he displays to beat Anfernee Simons to the spot in the first clip and the ground he covers to hop into place before Shaedon Sharpe takes off in the second are evidence of a player assured in his reads. Minnesota just doesn’t have a ton of guys who see the game this clearly and make the simple plays.

Prince’s physical tools combine with his basketball IQ to help him compete with elite players on certain possessions. Jerami Grant torched Minnesota for much of the night by shooting over his defender, but here Prince’s length and recovery time dissuade Grant from taking what initially appeared to be a wide open layup. He instead opts for a tough fadeaway, which Prince makes difficult by getting a long arm in Grant’s eye line.

These displays of simple excellence are the meat and potatoes of Prince’s game; plays like this stepback three are the gravy, the added flavor that Minnesota doesn’t necessarily rely on but surely appreciates.

Prince’s background as a higher usage player helped him build the skill to pull out a surprising move such as this every once in a while, a way to counter the defense when it takes away the straightforward option he’ll usually opt for.

Prince is so crucial because he is an all-around player on a roster full of guys who put constraints on what the Wolves can do. Looking up and down Minnesota’s roster, you see players who will be targeted on one end of the floor, minimize offensive spacing or consistently make poor decisions. Prince doesn’t have one of those game-changing weaknesses.

That’s why he played 20 minutes and got the nod in crunch time in his first game back after over a month away. He fit right back in as if nothing had happened because he can adapt his game to what the Wolves need rather than the other way around.

He’s not the only player on this team who possesses that quality, but the squad’s relative lack of those archetypes makes each of them that much more important. It’s safe to say that Minnesota will enjoy having him back.

Aidan Berg
By: Aidan Berg
Title: Taurean Prince’s Return Showed Why the Wolves Need Him
Sourced From:
Published Date: 01-06-2023

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a buyout in NBA?

A buyout agreement in the NBA is between a club and a player. In this agreement, both the player and the team agree to pay a percentage or all of their remaining contract amount. This allows players to become free agents and sign with any other team in the league as soon as their buyout is complete. If necessary, it allows teams to cut salaries or adjust their roster composition.

What are Bird Rights in NBA Basketball?

"Bird rights", in the NBA, refers to a system that allows certain players to be resigned by their current teams for more money than any other. This rule is named after former Boston Celtics player Larry Bird, who was the first to benefit from it. The rule says that a team may exceed its salary cap limit in order to re-sign players if the player has been on their roster for less than three years. Bird rights permit players to stay on the same team and get a better salary than any other team.

What is a restricted free agent in NBA?

A restricted free agent in NBA refers to a player, who has finished their rookie contract and is now an unrestricted - free agent. The rights of their former team are not affected. In this situation, the team has the right to match any offer sheet another team gives to the player. If they choose to do so, the player must remain with their previous team and honour their existing contract. This allows teams retain players who are proven valuable, but cannot afford them because of their salary caps. Teams can use restricted free agents to build their rosters with great flexibility.

What are the salaries of NBA players?

The NBA's average salary was $7.3million during the 2021-2022 season. This figure is based the maximum salary cap of $134million, which was set in this season. However, salaries for individual players will vary depending upon their experience and achievements.

Superstar players like LeBron James and Kevin Durant can earn up to $40 million a year, while rookies may make as little as the minimum salary of $898,310. Other veteran players may be eligible for mid-level exception salaries ranging from $4.76 million to $9.258 million, depending on their years of experience. Additionally, players may earn bonuses or other incentives from their teams based on performance or team success.

What does NBA mean by waived?

"Waived" in the NBA is an official release of a player from their team's roster. This can be done for various reasons, including salary cap reasons, personal issues, or disciplinary action. The player becomes an unrestricted, free agent after being waived. They can then sign with any other league team. They are not eligible for the postseason if they are waived after March 1.


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How To

How an NBA Getty Images Photographer Captures Perfect Shots

This article aims to show how an NBA Getty Images photographer can capture the perfect shot. First, choose the best location. Next, pick the best angle from where to shoot your photograph. The last step is to anticipate what might happen.

  • Step 1: Selecting the right location

You can get the best out of every photograph by choosing the right time and place to take it. You risk losing the moment if you are surrounded by too much activity. People blocking your view is another reason to avoid taking pictures.

You can start taking pictures as soon as you find a good spot. It's always easier and more convenient to move closer to what is happening than farther back.

  • Step 2: Picking the Best Angle

Once you have found the perfect location, think about the angle of the camera. This is the second thing you should consider when creating a great photograph.

You should choose a position that allows you to see the subject matter clearly without getting in the way. If you are trying to catch a player playing basketball, then look at him through the basket. This will give you an excellent frame, without any obstructions.

Next, look for interesting angles. Find one that reveals something about the athlete. He will look taller if he is viewed from a low angle. A high angle will emphasize his athleticism.

Consider framing. Framing is the placement of things relative to each other within the frame. When choosing the right composition, remember to balance the foreground (what's closest to the lens) with the background (everything else).

  • Step3: Anticipating Next What

Always think ahead. You should always be prepared to respond quickly to any unusual activity, such as a person diving into the lane or a ball rolling towards the rim. Do not hesitate to shout "action" and "cut".

When you hear those words, freeze the scene. You can then wait for the action again before moving on. The scene will be frozen so that you can focus on the shutter button.

By following these steps, you'll be sure to capture the perfect shot every time. With patience and practice, you can become a skilled NBA Getty Images photographer. You'll take beautiful photos that will last a lifetime.